Northern Michigan Baptist Bible Church
Northern Michigan Christian Academy

Join Us!
Looking for a church that is centered in the truths of God’s Word?
Looking for a place where you can receive encouragement in tough times?
Looking for a place where true Christ-like love is shown?
Looking for a church that uses the King James Version of the Bible?
At Northern Michigan Baptist Bible Church we strive to follow the teachings of Jesus as laid out for us in His Word. Here you will find normal, everyday people who have been radically transformed by the power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Our goal is to be faithful to His Word by making and maturing disciples in effort to fulfill the Great Commission entrusted to us.
You will find our atmosphere to be pleasant and uplifting, our people to be loving and gracious, and for our teachings to be faithful and unashamed of the glorious truths that we have in our Savior, Jesus Christ. We use the King James Version of the Bible for our preaching and teaching and are conservative in our music and worship. We would love to have you join us!
Service Times
Sunday School: 9:45 AM
Sunday Morning Worship: 11:00 AM
Sunday Evening Service: 6:00 PM
Wednesday Prayer Meeting &
Kids Joy Club: 6:00 PM
That Christ would be seen and known through us!
To give online, click below! We use the company Tithely to process all online giving!

The Hope of the Gospel
The key defining trait of our church is the Gospel. NMBBC is not for perfect people, which is why we need the Gospel.
The Gospel gives us hope through Jesus Christ's death, burial, and resurrection.
One of the important ministries of Northern Michigan Baptist Bible Church is the Christian school: Northern Michigan Christian Academy. The members and staff of NMBBC have sacrificially made a quality Christian education possible to the families of Northern Michigan. Click on the button below to be taken to the school's website.
NMBBC is actively involved in the Fill America Gospel tract campaign. For more information please check out
Northern Michigan Baptist Bible Church also provides free, leather, gospel tract holders for Christians committed to carrying and distributing gospel tracts. If you are interested please go to